Memory, attention and individual profile of inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases

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Disturbances of the central nervous system (CNS) occur rather frequently in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases (SRD). Among symptoms of the CNS dysfunction, cognitive impairment plays a very important role. We studied 96 patients with different forms of SRD. The profile of brain inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry was studied by a special standardized protocol. All the examined patients can be divided into 4 groups: right-profile subjects (44.8%), predominantly right-profile subjects (41.6%), mixed profile subjects (12.5%) and predominantly left -profile subjects (1.1%). Some specific features of memory and attention were identified depending on inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry profile.


About the authors

N. V. Pizova

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

E. I. Verbizkaya

Municipal Clinical Hospital № 8

Russian Federation

N. V. Perezhigina

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Russian Federation

A. Z. Pizov

K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University (Yaroslavl)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2010 Pizova N.V., Verbizkaya E.I., Perezhigina N.V., Pizov A.Z.

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