Clinical assessment of the gait video-analytic profile

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We propose a system for the diagnostics of postural disturbances that may be revealed in the frontal surface with an original complex of motion video-analysis, with allocation of video-analytic profile of the ankle-joints. Main group comprised 19 patients with cerebellar ataxia, and control group comprised 18 healthy individuals without coordination problems and pathology of musculo-skeletal locomotor system. In this study, we determined diagnostically significant and distinguishable video-analytic criteria of the “over the target” peak for patients suffering from cerebellar ataxia: 1) amplitude of foot raising over the surface of the “diagnostic step”; 2) time of foot placing on the surface of the “diagnostic step”; 3) speed of foot descent on the surface of the “diagnostic step”; 4) ration of time of execution of foot raising to total time of execution of the movement “Step”; 5) presence of additional peaks in the support period, which is of importance in the diagnosis of cerebellar disturbances.


About the authors

S. A. Likhachev

Republican Research and Practical Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Minsk)

Author for correspondence.

V. A. Lukashevich

Republican Research and Practical Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Minsk)



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Copyright (c) 2010 Likhachev S.A., Lukashevich V.A.

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