Sleep disturbances in patients with chronic brain ischemia and metabolic syndrome

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Complains of patients with chronic brain ischemia (CBI) and metabolic syndrome (MS) on disturbed sleep do not reflect an objective picture of sleep problems, from the viewpoint of both respiratory abnormalities during sleep and changes in the sleep structure. Sleep disturbances may result from two principally different pathogenic processes: secondary sleep abnormalities due to apnea and psychophysiological insomnia on the background of severe psycho-vegetative syndrome with anxiety and depression. Polysomnographic examination should be a component of a complex of essential para-clinical investigations in patients with CBI and MS, since only this method may allow determining with certainty pathogenic character of sleep disturbances and establishing pharmaco-therapeutic strategy.


About the authors

O. V. Lyubshina

Moscow State Medical-Stomatologic University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

M. Yu. Maximоva

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2010 Lyubshina O.V., Maximоva M.Y.

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