Poststroke cognitive impairment in patients with deep hemispheric lesions

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The status of cognitive functions in 129 patients after stroke with deep hemispheric lesions was investigated. In the vast majority of patients abnormalities (predominantly mild or moderate) of the auditory-speech (95%) and the visual (83%) memory were observed. Mild and moderate abnormalities of the direct auditory-speech memory were predominant (85.6%), and delayed reproduction was mostly affected in severe disturbances. Moderate-to-severe abnormalities of attention and moderate abnormalities of the dynamics of mental processes prevailed in patients with right hemispheric lesions. As the result of complex therapy, memory mprovement was observed in 65% of patients, improvement in the attention focusing in 72%, and improvement in the dynamics of mental processes in 55% of patients.


About the authors

N. V. Shahparonova

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

E. M. Kashina

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow)

Russian Federation

A. S. Kadykov

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2010 Shahparonova N.V., Kashina E.M., Kadykov A.S.

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