Multiple sclerosis: current state

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Etiology of multiple sclerosis has both genetic and environmental components. The current conception is that multiple sclerosis pathogenesis comprises an initial inflammatory phase, followed by a phase of demyelination and last, a neurodegenerative phase. The mechanisms of inflammatory reactions, axonal loss and reparative changes have been discussed. There are two schemes of treatments: the escalating approach and the induction therapy. One of the main principles of disease modifying therapy of MS is treat-early approach. Results of interferon’s-b and glatiramer acetate comparison as first-line MS therapy have been described. The use immunosuppressive agents and future developments of MS therapy have been discussed.


About the authors

A. V. Peresedova

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

I. A. Zavalishin

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2009 Peresedova A.V., Zavalishin I.A.

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