Neuron-astroglial interactions in dysregulation of energy metabolism in perinatal ischemic brain damage

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Presented is a review of the literature on the problem of hypoxic-ischemic perinatal brain damage in the context of alterations of astroglial regulation of neuronal energy metabolism and mechanisms of excitotoxicity. Characteristics of energy metabolism in the developing brain responsible for specificity of its damage in perinatal period, as well as cell and molecular mechanisms of disturbances of neuron-astrocyte coupling controlling regulation of neuroplasticity are discussed.


About the authors

A. B. Salmina

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

S. O. Okuneva

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

T. E. Taranushenko

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

A. A. Fursov

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

S. V. Prokopenko

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

S. V. Mikhutkina

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

N. A. Malinovskaya

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation

G. A. Tagaeva

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2008 Salmina A.B., Okuneva S.O., Taranushenko T.E., Fursov A.A., Prokopenko S.V., Mikhutkina S.V., Malinovskaya N.A., Tagaeva G.A.

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