The results of the 10-year experience of a Regional Center of care for patients with parkinsonism and extrapyramidal pathology in Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region

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Introduction. In 2007, a consultation center for patients with parkinsonism (a Regional Center) was organized in the city of Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region. It was one of the first centers of parkinsonism over Russia.
Objective. To study and compare the clinical and epidemiological features of parkinsonism in Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region in different periods of work of the Regional Center.
Materials and methods. A total number of 6,272 patients were examined in the Regional Center in 2007–2017.
Results. Parkinson disease (PD) was ranked first (over 80%) in the structure of parkinsonism during the whole time of activity of the Regional Center. The incidence of the syndrome of vascular parkinsonism was significantly lower in 2012–2017, and the dementia with Lewy bodies was significantly higher compared to 2007–2012. Prevalence of PD in the year of 2017 in Yaroslavl amounted to 138.14 per 100,000 population, and across Yaroslavl region until 2017 year – 127.01 per 100,000 population. PD patients from towns of Yaroslavl region (82.9%) significantly prevailed in comparison with rural patients (17.1%). In 2012–2017, PD was diagnosed at the first stage twice as often as in the period of 2007–2012. In 2012–2017, the preliminary diagnosis matched a refined diagnosis of PD in 84% of cases.
Conclusion. During recent 5 years of the activity of the Regional Center the town neurologists of Yaroslavl region identified a great number of new patients with extrapyramidal disorders. Since then significantly fewer errors has being made by the neurologists in the preliminary diagnoses and more PD has been detected at earlier stages.

About the authors

Eugeny V. Kurapin

Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Maria A. Bykanova

Yaroslavl State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Natalya V. Trofimova

Pereslavl Central Regional Hospital

Russian Federation, Pereslavl


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kurapin E.V., Bykanova M.A., Trofimova N.V.

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