Cellular models of the nervous system diseases

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Cellular models are a very important research tool in modern neurobiology. The presented review of Russian and international literature summarizes the main data of experimental studies, conducted over the past 15 years, aimed at modeling in vitro acute and chronic forms of cerebral pathology in order to reveal the mechanisms of their pathogenesis and to develop approaches to their pharmacological correction. The results of modeling of ischemic neurodestructive processes, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease, obtained using modern cellular research methods, such as cell cultivation in a multielectrode system and technology of induced pluripotent stem cells, are presented. A number of key concepts related to this problem are illustrated with the data obtained by the author and his laboratory. In conclusion, the short-term goals and prospects of in vitro studies of pathogenic mechanisms of neurological diseases and of the search for new neuroprotectors are formulated.

About the authors

Leonid G. Khaspekov

Research Center of Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Email: khaspekleon@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow


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