Morphological features of polycystic kidney in acute renal artery occlusion

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Background. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is an inherited disease characterized by cystic transformation of the kidneys and other organs. Nephromegaly is an absolute contraindication to kidney transplantation. Currently, the most effective strategy for surgical treatment of patients has not been determined. The use of transarterial embolization (TAE) of the renal arteries leads to a decrease in the total volume of the kidneys. Studies of the pathophysiology of polycystic kidneys in conditions of acute occlusion of the renal arteries have not been carried out, and the mechanism of reduction of total renal volume after embolization was unclear. When writing the article, information about the morphology of the kidneys in ADPKD, the use of renal TAE for the treatment of patients with polycystic kidney disease published in the PubMed databases (, the Scientific Electronic Library of the Russian Federation - ( and on the websites of professional urological and nephrological associations was used. The databases were searched using the following keywords: ADPKD, TAE, renal cysts, angiogenesis. At the first stage, 35 sources no older than 5 years were found, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses that were relevant to this topic. Conference abstracts, short communications, and duplicate publications were excluded. After this, based on the relevance of the data, the reliability of the sources, the impact factors of the journals and the sequence of presentation of the material in the manuscript, 15 articles from scientific international peer-reviewed journals, practical guidelines and clinical recommendations were selected directly for citation in the article.

Clinical case. The practical part of the work is presented in the form of a description of a clinical case of a patient with ADPKD, end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), treated with hemodialysis, who underwent combined treatment: laparoscopic bilateral nephrectomy with preliminary TAE of the right kidney. A pathomorphological study of the removed native kidneys was performed. Contrasting of vessels and walls of cysts, histological examination, tonometry of cysts were performed, and a description of the mechanism of renal volume reduction in the right polycystic kidney after TAE was performed.

Results. The volume of the right kidney when calculated using manual multislice computed tomographic planimetry 1.5 months after TAE was 2190 ml; the volume of the right kidney decreased by 30% (≈916 ml). When measuring intracystic pressure in a polycystic kidney after embolization, a decrease in pressure to 10 mm Hg was noted. on average by 47.5% compared with a kidney without embolization. After the injection of a dye solution into the cyst of a removed native kidney after TAE, when the lumen of the cyst was opened, intense staining of the vascular bed with the dye was macroscopically observed. During a microscopic examination of a polycystic kidney after TAE, attention was drawn to healed areas due to renal infarction and an extensive neomicrovascular network. Small cysts completely regressed and were replaced by fibrous tissue. Drainage of intracystic fluid was carried out into neocapillaries: venules and lymphatic vessels.

Conclusion. Thus, we have practically proven the communication of cysts with a wide vascular network, which means that embolization leads to a decrease in the volume of cysts. The reduction in renal volume occurs primarily due to a series of microcirculatory events. TAE is an effective and minimally invasive technical procedure that can be used in the combined treatment of patients with ADPKD and ESKD. The combined use of renal artery TAE followed by delayed bilateral nephrectomy will improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with ESKD and ADPKD by reducing renal volume.

About the authors

Ruslan N. Trushkin

City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3108-0539

Dr.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Urology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Pavel E. Medvedev

City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4250-0815

Urologist at the Department of Urology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Yulia A. Lagoyskaya

City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-0012-5451

Pathologist at the Pathological Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Denis V. Fettser

City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4143-8899

Cand.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of X-Ray Surgical Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment

Russian Federation, Moscow

Tamara M. Klementieva

City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department



Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Angiogram of a radiocontrast medium in a kidney with ADPKD A - marked cystic dilatation and displacement of large vessels (arrows), accumulation of contrast medium in the vessels around cysts and filling of aneurysmal dilatations (arrows), as well as extravasation of contrast medium, fascicle-shaped vessels with wider branches are noted on the periphery. B- arrows show vascularization around cysts, abnormal vessels and filling of lacunar spaces, and a network of small vessels is found in ADPKD [13]

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3. Fig. 2. Macroscopic specimen of a punctured cyst of a polycystic right kidney. The arrow indicates a punctured cyst.

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4. Fig. 3. Macroscopically, accumulation of contrast agent in the vessels is noted (in addition to intense staining of the liquid inside the pussy and slight staining of the inner wall)

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5. Fig. 4. The walls of the cyst consist of fibrovascular connective tissue. There are many capillaries of various calibers, some of them have an angiomatous configuration, reminiscent of cavernous angiomas. Nikon magnification +100 [13].

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6. Fig. 5. Volume of the right kidney when calculated using manual MSCT planimetry 3106 ml (September 2023)

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7. Fig. 6. Emboli are detected in the lumen of the right renal artery

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8. Fig. 7. Macropreparation of native polycystic kidneys

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9. Fig. 8. Cyst tonometry Without TAE (left) - 20 mmHg, after TAE (right) - 10 mmHg, Cyst diameters are identical (4.5 cm)

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10. Fig. 9. The infarction zone is replaced by granulation tissue. Foci of newly formed fibrous tissue are identified, there are accumulations of hemosiderophages (Leica DM LS2 magnification 100, hematoxylin-eosin staining). Small cysts completely regress and are replaced by fibrous tissue

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11. Fig. 10. Macropreparation of the renal artery of a polycystic kidney with tight filling with embolic agents

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12. Fig. 11. Foreign bodies in the lumen of the right renal artery (emboli)

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13. Fig. 12. Walls of the cyst and interstitial space of the right native kidney, into the cyst of which a solution with dye A was injected. Accumulation of a contrast agent in the wall of the cyst. B- During histological examination of the kidney, into the lumen of the cyst of which a solution of a contrast agent was punctured, accumulation of a contrast agent (blue color) is noted in the lumens of dilated capillaries (B), aneurysms and wide bundle-shaped vessels. B - near the contrasted cyst, as well as extravasation of the contrast agent G-(Leica DM LS2, magnification 200, hematoxylin-eosin staining)

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