The relevance of the situational use of nasal decongestants in modern clinical practice

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Nasal decongestants (ND) are representatives of the pharmacological group of а-adrenomimetics and are widely used in clinical practice. These drugs are successfully used as symptomatic therapy of acute rhinosinusitis (AR), as well as as part of the complex therapy of acute otitis during unloading therapy for the auditory tube. The use of ND is necessary before conducting an endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, for a better assessment of the state of the ostiomeatal complex, the olfactory cleft, as well as differential diagnosis of various forms of rhinitis and dysosmia. ND are indispensable in the prevention of complications of AR, such as acute eustachiitis, exudative otitis media and acute otitis media. Also, these drugs are used in the prevention of the development of aerotitis and ear barotrauma. The most commonly used nasal medications of medium and long duration of action, such as xylometazoline and oxymetazoline. This article presents clinical studies demonstrating the high efficacy and safety of these drugs as part of the treatment of AR. It is shown that oxymetazoline and xylometazoline are well tolerated by patients with a minimum number of adverse events. Modern representatives of ND are such drugs as Otrivin express 0.05% with the aroma of menthol, the main active ingredient of which is oxymetazoline, Otrivin 0.1% Moisturizing formula and Otrivin 0.1% with menthol and eucalyptus, which includes xylometazoline as the main active ingredient. These drugs have confirmed their effectiveness and safety in a large number of clinical studies and can be recommended as local vasoconstrictors.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Morozova

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Author for correspondence.
д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. Moscow, Russia

Lina A. Keda

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

аспирант каф. болезней уха, горла и носа Moscow, Russia


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