Respiratory system condition in men working in polychlorinated hydrocarbons production: morphological and functional aspects

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Aim. To evaluate functional and morphological changes in respiratory system in patients with chronic exposure to polychlorinated hydrocarbons (PCH). Materials and methods. Group of 268 working men with chronic professional exposure to PCH were followed up for 5 years. Morphofunctional assessment of respiratory system was conducted with the use of bronchoscopy (with a bronchoscope FB-3C Olympus) and brush biopsy. Pulmonary ventilatory function was assessed using Custo-Vit diagnostic system with resistance measurements by the forced oscillation (Rfo) technique. Conclusion. Functional and morphological changes in respiratory system in men with chronic exposure to PCH resulted in development of catarral endobronchitis with transition to atrophic one.

About the authors

Viacheslav S. Lotkov

Samara State Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.), Full Prof., Prof. Samara, Russia

Sergei A. Babanov

Samara State Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.), Full Prof. Samara, Russia

Natalia V. Dudintseva

Samara State Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Аssistant Samara, Russia

Antonina G. Baikova

Samara State Medical University

Graduate Student Samara, Russia


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