Searching for diagnostic correlations in female patients after ischemic stroke

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Aim. To perform a comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters in groups of young women (pregnant or in early postpartum period) with stroke. Materials and methods. The study included 17 pregnant or in early postpartum period women (group 1) and 17 non-pregnant women (group 2) matched by disease severity with mean age 27.7±14.4 years in acute period of stroke in cerebral hemispheres of medium severity. Results. At the discharge improvement in NIH scale results was observed in women in both groups and there were no significant differences in outcomes. Not statistically significant differences of partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood (VB) from the median cubital vein (MCV) and the jugular vein (JV) in both groups at study period were acquired in comparative time interval. Differences in pH levels in VB from the MCV and the JV were observed during hospital stay. In patients from 2 groups pH levels were more acidic in the JV VB than in the MCV VB. Differences in lactate levels in blood from the MCV and the JV were observed. Lactate levels were lower in the MCV VB than in the JV VB during hospital stay in patients from both groups. In patients from both groups glycemia level in the JV VB was lower than in the MCV VB during the whole study period. At the discharge in patients from both groups a decrease in glucose level in arterial and venous blood from the MCV was observed. Arteriovenous oxygen difference (AVOD) in JV VB in 2 study groups was decreasing over time from admission to discharge. Differences in AVOD of VB from JV and MCV and AVOD in JV VB were higher in both study groups during the follow up period. Conclusion. In the conducted study of neurological status, brain and system metabolism charachteristics in patients with brain infarction in dynamics there were no differences found in 2 grops of women of fertile age. The reported changes suggest macroergic compounds deficit, and oxidative stress reactions products utilization disorders in brain tissue.

About the authors

Valerii I. Vechorko

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Chief doctor Moscow, Russia

Oksana A. Shapsigova

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Oleg V. Averkov

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

D. Sci. (Med.), Full Prof. Moscow, Russia

Borislav V. Silaev

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Evgenii V. Eliseev

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Garri R. Kuchava

O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital №15

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia


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