The question of the treatment of patients with symptoms of the lower urinary tract on the background of benign prostatic hyperplasia with combined erectile dysfunction

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The presented literature review deals with the analysis of data on clinical use of a drug from the group of phosphodiesterase enzyme 5 inhibitors in the conservative treatment of patients with a combination of benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction. A similarity of pathophysiological mechanisms which provide and support main manifestations of these two diseases and, as a consequence, complaints presented by patients are showed. The pathophysiological rationale for the use of drugs from the group of phosphodiesterase enzyme 5 inhibitors is given, among which the tadalafil molecule has obvious competitive advantages due to its pharmacological and pharmacokinetic characteristics, in particular the half-life. The data of preclinical and clinical international studies are presented, in which various applications of tadalafil are analyzed: both in the form of monotherapy and in combination with the main drugs used for impaired urination - alpha-1-blocker and 5a-reductase inhibitor. The review provides data on the main studies which design meets the modern requirements of evidence-based medicine. All of these options for the use of this drug for the treatment of patients with impaired urination against a background of prostate adenoma in combination with erectile dysfunction have fairly high efficacy criteria and a favorable safety profile.

About the authors

Anton Iu. Tsukanov

Omsk State Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof. Omsk, Russia

Sofiia P. Semikina

Omsk State Medical University

Medical Resident Omsk, Russia


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