Urinary tract infections: proven potentials of plant pharmacotherapy

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequent infectious disorders. In modern protocols of acute uncomplicated UTI treatment antibiotics use is recommended as a first-line therapy. Although its frequent and unreasonable use may result in increase of antibiotic resistance development risk and microbiome alteration that leads to necessity of new approaches for UTI treatment development. Herbal based medications are a potential alternative for antibiotic use in acute uncomplicated UTI treatment. To compare the efficacy of herbal drug Canephron® H (BNO 1045) and fosfomycin trometamol (FT) for treatment of acute uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (uLUTI) was carried out a multicentre double-blind controlled randomized trial in parallel groups (registration number NCT02639520), the results of which were presented in the article of principal investigator: F. Wagenlehner et al. Non-Antibiotic Herbal Therapy (BNO 1045) versus Antibiotic Therapy (Fosfomycin Trometamol) for the Treatment of Acute Lower Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Women: A Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Randomized, Multicentre, Non-Inferiority Phase III Trial. Urol Int 2018; 101 (3): 327-36. DOI: 10.1159/000493368. Epub 2018 Sep 19. Aim. Тo prove non-inferiority of herbal medication Canephron® N (BNO 1045) use in comparison with FT in acute uLUTI treatment. Materials and methods. Women aged 18-70 years with newly diagnosed acute uLUTI with typical symptoms were randomized for BNO 1045 (n=325) or FT (n=334) or placebo use. Results. In between Day 1 and Day 38 238 (83.5%) patients in BNO 1045 group and 272 (89.8%) patients in FT group did not use additional antibiotics. With the equivalence limit 15%, BNO 1045 demonstrated non-inferior effectiveness compared with FT in uLUTI treatment. The incidence of adverse events was equal in both groups, although in FT group incidence of gastrointestinal disorders was higher, and in BNO 1045 group - pyelonephritis incidence was higher. Conclusions. BNO 1045 has a potential to decrease antibiotics use in uLUTI treatment and its use, consequently, can result in significant changes in the strategy of antibacterial drugs rational use.

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