Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the development of myocardial remodeling in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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Aim. Determine the relationship between the treatment and the development of left ventricular myocardial remodeling; conduct a pharmacoeconomic assessment of therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Materials and methods. The study included 208 patients with diabetes: group A (retrospective) - 105 patients, group B (prospective) - 103 patients. All patients received hypoglycemic and antihypertensive therapy. To determine the economic feasibility of using the drugs, the cost-effectiveness ratio (CER) was calculated. Results. The frequency of changes in the geometry of the heart increased in the absence of insulin therapy or on the background of PSGP monotherapy, as well as in the absence of ACE inhibitors, ARA II as antihypertensive therapy. NNT analysis showed greater efficacy and safety of alogliptin and empagliflozin. Our clinical and economic study also confirmed the greater efficacy of these drugs, but they turned out to be less economically acceptable compared to biguanides. Conclusion. The results of our study clearly demonstrate the dependence of the development of structural changes in the heart on the treatment of both primary and comorbid pathology in patients with type 2 diabetes, the most effective drugs from the IDPP-4 and AHHP-1 groups, as well as the ACE inhibitor and ARA II.

About the authors

Elena V. Koroleva

Yaroslavl State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

senior laboratory technician Yaroslavl, Russia

Aleksandr L. Khokhlov

Yaroslavl State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Corr. Member of RAS, D.Sci. (Med.), Full Prof. Yaroslavl, Russia

Alfiia M. Sirotkina

Yaroslavl State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Yaroslavl, Russia


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