Early detection, differential diagnosis and prevention of complications of chronic inflammatory bowel disease

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The article discusses the possibility of early detection of prevention of the development of complications of chronic inflammatory diseases and tumor processes of the intestine. At the moment, there is a tendency to intensify scientific research and practical use of complex diagnostics and therapy of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases both in our country and abroad. Improvement of local control indicators and prevention of tumor processes in inflammatory bowel diseases is possible only if the criteria of succession of all parts of medicine are met and effective protocols of early diagnostics are included in the protocols, such as computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which allow differential diagnosis and predict the development of complications.

About the authors

Sofya E. Dubrova

Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute Vladimirsky

Email: dubrova.sofya@gmail.com
Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia


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