Hybrid surgical pelvic diaphragm reconstruction: 3 years of follow up

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Background. One in two women over 50 years old suffers from one or another form of genital prolapse that is followed by pelvic organs dysfunction. Modern methods of this pathology treatment are focused on improvement of patients’ quality of life with reconstruction of pelvic diaphragm natural anatomy. Aim. To evaluate subjective effectiveness of pelvic diaphragm hybrid reconstruction in patients after anterior apical prolapse of pelvic organs surgery at 3 or more years of postoperative period. Methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records data of patients in whom hybrid surgical reconstruction of pelvic diaphragm anterior apical part was performed between April 2015 and April 2016. Evaluation of subjective effectiveness of the surgery was performed using phone survey. In those patients who agreed to come to medical examination, vaginal examination was performed by POP-Q system and validated questionnaires (PFDI-20, ICIQ-SF, PISQ-12) were filled. Results. During the studied period 679 hybrid surgical reconstructions of pelvic anterior apical part prolapse were performed in the clinic. The mean follow-up period was 38±3.6 months. We succeeded to get in touch with 593 (87.3%) patients, of which 189 (31.8%) came to medical examination. According to POPDI-6 questionary results only 3.1% of patients had a foreign body sensation in vagina and 2.6% felt bladder incomplete emptying. CRAD-8 questionary results analysis showed that only 2 patients had defecation problems after the surgery. According to UDI-6 questionary results most of the patients noted improvement of overactive bladder symptoms and urination improvement. Sexual life quality evaluation showed that only 1 patient had dyspareunia de novo. Medical examination showed relapse in apical part in 2 (1.0%) and in anterior part - in 14 (7.4%) of female patients. Phone survey results analysis showed that most of the patients noted significant improvement of quality of life. In total 97.4% (578/593) said that they would recommend such surgery to friends and relatives. Conclusion. Hybrid surgical pelvic diaphragm reconstruction in follow-up for 3 and more years showed high subjective effectiveness, low percent of repeated surgeries and significantly improved patients’ quality of life.

About the authors

Dmitrii D. Shkarupa

Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of Saint Petersburg State University

Email: hkarupa.dmitry@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, врач-уролог, зам. дир. по организации медицинской помощи, главный уролог КВМТ им. Н.И. Пирогова Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nikita D. Kubin

Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of Saint Petersburg State University

канд. мед. наук, врач-уролог урологического отд-ния КВМТ им. Н.И. Пирогова Saint Petersburg, Russia

Aleksandr D. Petrov

Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of Saint Petersburg State University

ordinator Saint Petersburg, Russia

Ekaterina A. Shapovalova

Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of Saint Petersburg State University

Email: katerina_andmed@mail.ru
obstetrician gynecologist Saint Petersburg, Russia


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