Complex therapy of a multimorbid patient: focus on the reproducible drugs

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Chronic noncommunicable diseases are associated with high mortality and high costs of medical care, and therefore require safe, effective and affordable therapy. When choosing a generic drug, a doctor may be guided by the assumption that the bioequivalence of medicinal substances is an indirect confirmation of their therapeutic efficacy. Absolute confidence in the same efficacy of original and generic drugs can only emerge after well-designed studies comparing therapeutic equivalence. The results of the Russian multicenter, open, randomized KARDIOKANON study, the purpose of which was to compare two options for complex therapy based on the use of only original or only generic drugs in persons with stable coronary artery disease, showed the comparability of the effectiveness of original and reproducible drugs of the pharmaceutical company "Canonpharma Production” in achieving the target value of arterial pressure, heart rate, low density lipoprotein and impact on quality of life. A sufficient variety of drugs produced by this pharmaceutical company opens up opportunities for the appointment of any of them, but further large controlled studies are needed to finally confirm the bioequivalence, therapeutic efficacy and interchangeability of original and reproducible drugs.

About the authors

Vera N. Larina

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. Moscow, Russia


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