Clinical case of a successful treatment of uncontrolled arterial hypertension in a 67-year-old patient with captopril

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Effective blood pressure (BP) control remains an actual problem - according to the results of the multicenter study ESSE-RF, only 11.3% of women and 7.6% of men achieve it. Inadequate treatment of arterial hypertension often leads to clinically significant increase of BP without signs of damage to target organs. Such patients should be treated in out-patient setting by oral antihypertensive medications according to modern algorithms. It is also necessary to prescribe medications for subsequent long-term control of BP, if the patient has not previously taken them, or to optimize this type of therapy, if it was initially inadequate. The article presents a clinical case, which demonstrates that timely personalized treatment of uncontrolled hypertension leads to stabilization of the patient’s condition. Teaching the patient to self-relieve episodes of increased BP is of paramount importance. Modern pharmacological drugs allow achievement of the main goal of treatment - improvement the life’s prognosis due to both keeping blood pressure values at the target level and positively influencing other risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

About the authors

Tatiana V. Pavlova

Samara State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф. Samara, Russia

Dmitrii V. Dupliakov

Samara State Medical University; Polyakov Samara Regional Clinical Cardiology Dispensary

д-р мед. наук, проф., зам. глав. врача Samara, Russia

Sofiia A. Vorontsova

Samara State Medical University

аспирант Samara, Russia

Galina N. Guseva

Polyakov Samara Regional Clinical Cardiology Dispensary

зав. отд-нием клинической фармакологии Samara, Russia


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