Clinical pharmacological particular qualities of original ibuprofen different forms in treatment of diseases manifesting by pain

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In the present article, the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in treatment of different diseases manifesting by nociceptive pain is viewed. Special consideration is given to Ibuprofen, which is very often used as a non-prescription analgesic and/or anti-pyretic agent. Using the examples of randomized clinical trials and meta-analyzes carried on their basis, a high comparative analgesic efficacy and safety of use of original ibuprofen, Nurofen®, in different pharmaceutical forms in particular in a form of rapidly absorbed tablets and in combination with paracetamol.

About the authors

Mikhail V. Pchelintsev

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. Saint Petersburg, Russia


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