The theme of syphilis in fiction XVI-XX centuries

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Until the beginning of the ХХ century, syphilis was a fairly common disease, which found a bright, memorable reflection in the fiction of those times. This fact has played a great role in spreading knowledge about the consequences of this disease among the reading public, since special medical literature is available only to a small segment of the population, mainly armed with special education.

About the authors

Igor Yu. Golousenko

Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Moscow, Russia

Kirill I. Medvedev

Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Moscow, Russia


  1. Fracastoro G. Syphilidis, sive Morbi Gallici, 1530.
  2. Arouet FM. Candide, ou l’Optimisme, 1759.
  3. Дойл А.К. Вокруг красной лампы (записки врача). Сб. Лондон: Methnen, 1894.
  4. Горький М. Трое. Жизнь; 1900-1901.
  5. Горький М. Страсти-мордасти. Цикл «По Руси». Современник. 1913.
  6. Мережковский Д.С. Воскресшие боги. Леонардо да Винчи. Trajectory, 1901.
  7. Чириков Е.Н. Танино счастье. Рассказы в 3 т. Т. 3. СПб.: Знание, 1903.
  8. Куприн А.И. Свадьба. Сб. Зарницы. СПб.: Изд. З.И. Гржебина, 1908.
  9. Куприн А.И. Яма. Сб. Земля. М., 1909.
  10. Амфитеатров А.В. Девяти-десятники. СПб.: Прометей, 1910.
  11. Юшкевич С.С. Леон Дрей. СПб.: Жизнь. Знание, 1911.

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