Analysis of movement biomechanics in a patient with post-stroke arm spacity using type a botulinum toxin and multimodal stimulation (clinical case)

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Acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is the most common neurological pathology in clinical practice, requiring the work of a multidisciplinary team. Post-stroke spasticity (PS) occurs in a predominant number of patients who have had stroke and is one of the most common motor disorders. Today, botulinum toxin type A preparations are a priority therapy for PS to expand the rehabilitation potential. The article presents the results of clinical observation of a patient with PS of the upper limb, using multimodal stimulation on the background of the introduction of botulinum toxin type A in the recovery period of stroke. Kinematic portrait of the patient - isolated movements corresponding to all seven degrees of freedom of the arm are recorded. Biomechanical parameters of the joint movements of the paretic limb are compared before botulinum therapy, at the peak of the effect of botulinum toxin, and after multimodal stimulation.

About the authors

Vasilii N. Lutsik

Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

аспирант каф. неврологии Moscow, Russia

Elena V. Zaytseva

Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

мл. науч. сотр. каф. неврологии Moscow, Russia

Sergei V. Kotov

Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

д-р мед. наук, проф., рук. отд. терапии, зав. каф. неврологии Moscow, Russia

Viktor K. Misikov

Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. неврологии Moscow, Russia

Elena V. Biryukova

institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology

канд. биол. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. математической нейробиологии обучения Moscow, Russia


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