Comorbidity of acne and disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis: theoretical and real

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Improving diagnostic capabilities leads to a significant increase in clinical situations, when it is already difficult to talk about the presence of a single disease in a patient - currently, in most clinical cases, there is a combined or concomitant pathology. The review considers the issues of acne comorbidity and disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis in theoretical and practical aspects. In 1930, the gastroenterological mechanism of the relationship between emotional and nervous conditions (anxiety, depression) and skin diseases (such as acne) was formulated and designated as the "gut-brain-skin axis". For several decades, this hypothesis was dormant. However, reviews of the last decade provide numerous facts that indirectly indicate the validity of the “intestine-brain-skin” hypothesis, and are the basis for the theoretical comorbidity of acne and intestinal microbiocenosis disorders. in real clinical practice, this relationship does not seem so obvious and requires further study of the mechanisms and effects of oral probiotics in acne.

About the authors

Dmitry I. Trukhan

Omsk State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, доц., проф. каф. поликлинической терапии и внутренних болезней Omsk, Russia


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