The place of combined hormonal contraceptives in the therapy for acne in women

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Hyperandrogenism plays a very important role in the pathogenesis of acne. Androgens contribute to sebaceous gland hyperplasia, increased sebum production and hyperkeratosis. Excessive effects of androgens on the skin are caused by hyperandrogenism associated with various endocrine syndromes or an increased sensitivity of skin receptors to normal concentrations of male sex hormones and local hyperproduction of androgens. The use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) has therapeutic potential in the treatment of acne in patients with hyperandrogenism and in women with normal androgen levels. The use of COCs can be an alternative to systemic therapy with antibacterial drugs and retinoids. The decision on the administration of COCs to patients with acne should be made together by a dermatologist, gynecologist or endocrinologist.

About the authors

Yulia B. Uspenskaya

Medical Center NEBOLIT

д-р мед. наук Moscow, Russia


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