Traditional and rare causes of ischemic stroke in 18 to 50-year old persons

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The article discusses the epidemiological data on the incidence of ischemic stroke (IS) in persons aged 18-50 years, the frequency of various subtypes of IS, depending on the region according to the TOAST classification. Based on recent studies, the frequency of the main traditional risk factors for IS in young people is given, as well as our own data on the frequency of detection of various subtypes of IS on admission and the main risk factors in 145 people aged 18-45 years. The article describes other, moderate causes of stroke at a young age, taking into account modern diagnostic capabilities.

About the authors

Nikolai A. Pizov

Yaroslavl State Medical University

аспирант каф. Yaroslavl, Russia

Olga A. Skachkova

Yaroslavl State Medical University

аспирант каф. Yaroslavl, Russia

Nataliia V. Pizova

Yaroslavl State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. Yaroslavl, Russia

Natalia S. Baranova

Yaroslavl State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. Yaroslavl, Russia


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