Endoscopic stenting for malignant respiratory-digestive fistulas

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The paper presents a review of foreign literature at the present stage on the use of endoscopic stenting of the trachea and esophagus in malignant respiratory-digestive fistulas. Based on the data of foreign literature demonstrating the effectiveness of stenting, indications and contraindications for stenting, approaches for choosing a stent are presented, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, frequency of possible complications and endoscopic methods for their elimination. In conditions of limited life expectancy, patients with malignant fistulas need timely and effective choice of palliative care, which restores the patency of the esophagus, seals the fistula and improves the quality of life. Stenting with this pathology is the optimal method of choice. Due to the limited availability of internal information, given the rarity of the occurrence of malignant esophago-respiratory fistulas, the foreign experience was generalized in this work.

About the authors

Aleksej I. Ivanov

Kazan State Medical Academy - branch Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Republican Саnсеr Center

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. эндоскопии, общей и эндоскопической хирургии Kazan, Russia

Vladimir A. Popov

Kazan State Medical Academy - branch Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Republican Clinical Hospital

Email: lyapac@mail.ru
аспирант каф. эндоскопии, общей и эндоскопической хирургии Kazan, Russia

Mihail V. Burmistrov

Kazan State Medical Academy - branch Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Republican Clinical Hospital

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. онкологии, радиологии и паллиативной медицины Kazan, Russia


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