Tension type headache diagnosis and treatment in general practitioner outpatient practice

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The article is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of the most prevalent form of cephalalgia - tension headache (TH) in the outpatient practice of a general practitioner. The information presented is in accordance with the Resolution of the council of Russian experts on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with headache at the primary care stage. Along with the diagnostic criteria of the latest International Classification of Headache (3rd Edition, 2018) and an example of an effective clinical interview, it provides a list of "danger signals", a detailed diagnostic algorithm, common diagnostic errors, indications for additional examinations and patient referral to a neurologist and cephalgologist. Clinical manifestations, provocateurs, risk factors for the onset and chronicity of TH are provided. The article also describes basic mechanisms of TH pathophysiology, including the role of pericranial muscle dysfunction in the development of pain syndrome. Evidence-based approaches to the therapy of TH are presented - behavioral therapy, relief of seizures, preventive pharmacological and non-drug treatment. Special attention is paid to the advantages of Ketoprofen in the relief of painful episodes and the muscle relaxant Tizanidine in the treatment of pericranial muscle tension.

About the authors

Vera V. Osipova

Research Clinical Centre for Neuropsychiatry; University Headache Clinic

Email: osipova_v@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф. Moscow, Russia


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