Onychomycosis and onychodystrophy: differential diagnostics and rational therapy

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The article contains a review of modern data on the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of onychomycosis and onychodystrophies. The author describes the options for the successful treatment of onychomycosis and onychodystrophies, as well as further care of the nail plates after the completion of therapy. The options for the treatment of onychomycosis and onychodystrophies, further care of the nail plates after the completion of therapy are described. A skilful combination of topical agents of Mycostop®, Mykolept® and Clavio® (line of drugs) allows achieving the rehabilitation of patients with onychomycosis and onychodystrophies of various origins with reliable efficiency.

About the authors

Irina E. Torshina

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: rina-torsina@yandex.com
д-р мед. наук, доц., зав. каф. дерматовенерологии, косметологии Smolensk, Russia


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