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Back pain and impaired memory are the most common complaints of patients at the reception of doctors of different specialties. The widespread prevalence, decline in the quality of life and the maladaptation of people of working age determines the relevance of these clinical problems in most developed countries of the world. At the same time, patients with the presented pathological conditions infrequently receive the necessary therapy in time and in full with proven effectiveness. The use of effective, pathogenetically justified drugs is the key to successful therapy, reducing the maladaptation of this category of patients and improving their quality of life.

About the authors

Eugenia V. Ekusheva

Federal Research Center for Specialized Types of Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies; Wayne Clinic of Headache and Autonomic Disorders

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. нервных болезней Академии постдипломного образования ФГБУ ФНКЦ, Клиника головной боли и вегетативных расстройств им. акад. А.М. Вейна Москва, Россия


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