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Aim. To study the autonomic dysreflexia (AD) and to assess changing in the vegetative nervous system according it in patients with chronic tetraplegia. Materials and methods. The study included 40 patients with tetraplegia, patients were assessed using heart rate variability, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; ADFSC-questionnaire of frequency and severity of the symptoms episodes of AD and both sinus arrhythmia, cardio-respiratory synchronization were estimated too. Results. It was found that 80% patients with AD had complete spinal cord, in 40% cases AD had a latent form, in 70% of cases AD was due to urological reasons, the frequency of episodes of AD was 8 (5.0; 9.0) per day, and a strong correlation was found between the frequency of AP episodes and the severity and frequency of its symptoms (r=0.83); AD-patients did not have nightly decreasing in blood pressure - BP (daytime 119/72 and nighttime 118/68), they had a higher BP values in daytime hours (median): 119/72 versus 103/60, in night hours: 118/66 versus 101/56, in 24-hours: 118/73 per day versus 103/60 mm Hg, a higher variability of systolic BP 14 (7.0; 16.0) versus 8 (6.0; 12.0); a higher value of the normalized sympatho-vagal index 0.9 (0.69; 1.39) versus 0.6 (0.42; 0.87), and less the cardio-respiratory synchronization index 8 (6.7; 12.2) vs. 11 (7.9; 17.5). Conclusions. AD is a frequent problem in tetraplegia patients that requires using an integrated approach in diagnosis and monitoring, accompanied by sever dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

About the authors

Fedor A. Bushkov

Rehabilitation center “Preodolenie”

канд. мед. наук, врач-невролог, АО «Реабилитационный центра “Преодоление"» Москва, Россия

Roman V. Salyukov

Rehabilitation center “Preodolenie”

канд. мед. наук, врач-уролог, АО «Реабилитационный центра “Преодоление"» Москва, Россия


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