Possibilities of modern combined pharmacotherapy using fosinopril in patients with a combined cardiovascular pathology under conditions of ambulatory practice

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Aim. To conduct a comprehensive comparative assessment of the effectiveness of typical outpatient practice and active combination pharmacotherapy in patients with combined cardiovascular pathology. Materials and methods. Вata obtained from 100 patients aged 45-65 years with concomitant cardiovascular pathology: arterial hypertension of 2-3 grades, stable angina pectoris (I-III functional class), chronic heart failure (I-III functional class). The study was carried out for 32 weeks in 2 stages: at the beginning of the first (observational) stage (1st control point), the patient was initially taken and the initial pharmacotherapy was determined in a typical outpatient practice; 8 weeks after the start of investigation (2nd control point), the efficacy and safety of typical outpatient practice pharmacotherapy were monitored. The intervention was changed using the study scheme (2nd stage, low-interventional). At the end of the 24th week of the intervention, a final evaluation of the results of the study included fosinopril was performed (3rd control point). Results. In the process of implementing typical outpatient practice and active pharmacotherapeutic intervention in patients, a statistically significant improvement in the main studied clinical indicators was revealed, while combined pharmacotherapy was tolerated satisfactorily by all patients. 27% of patients achieved target levels of plod pressure, so their transfer to the strategy of active pharmacotherapeutic intervention was not required. During the second stage of the study, statistically significant positive dynamics rampared to typical outpatient practice were revealed: according to the main indicators of the serum lipoprotein spectrum, daily monitoring of blood pressure and ECG, sonographic parameters of the left ventricle, dynamics of life quality, as well as anxiety and depression scales. Conclusion. The data obtained once again confirm that modern pharmacotherapy containing ACE inhibitors as a blocker of RAAS is a first-line therapy in high-risk patients with cardiovascular pathology and they certainly speak in favor of combined therapy in comorbid patients in combination with hypertension, CHD and CHF. Key words: combined cardiovascular pathology, outpatient practice, fosinopril, pharmacotherapy. For citation: Luneva Ju.V., Povetkin S.V., Kornilov A.A. Possibilities of modern combined pharmacotherapy using fosinopril in patients with a combined cardiovascular pathology under conditions of ambulatory practice. Consilium Medicum. 2020; 22 (5): 67-72. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2020.5.200209

About the authors

Julia V. Luneva

Kursk State Medical University

Email: mocva@rambler.ru
доц. каф. клинической фармакологии Kursk, Russia

Sergey V. Povetkin

Kursk State Medical University

Email: mocva@rambler.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. клинической фармакологии Kursk, Russia

Arsen A. Kornilov

Kursk State Medical University

Email: mocva@rambler.ru
доц. каф. клинической фармакологии Kursk, Russia


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