Efficiency of uterine artery embolization in patients with placenta accreta

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Aim. Evaluation of the effectiveness of uterine artery embolization in patients with placental increment. Material and methods. In the course of the study, a prospective multivariate analysis of 147 individual cards of pregnant women with placental increment was performed against various hemostasis methods: group 1 - embolization of the uterine arteries, group 2 - hysterectomy, group 3 - surgical hemostasis without hysterectomy. In the course of the work, the level of intraoperative blood loss, as well as the uterine vascular bed after embolization, was assessed. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica 6 program. Results. Minimal blood loss was noted after uterine artery embolization. When compared with patients who underwent hysterectomy and surgical hemostasis, the volume of blood loss was lower by 17,7 and 9,6%, respectively. The earliest restoration of the uterine vascular bed was registered in a group of patients who underwent uterine artery embolization, which is confirmed by vascular resistance indices in the radial and uterine arteries. Conclusion. Embolization of the uterine arteries is an effective organ-preserving technique that promotes effective hemostasis, as well as the rapid restoration of the uterine vascular bed. Key words: placental increment, uterine artery embolization, intraoperative blood loss, vascular resistance. For citation: Marchenko R.N., Kukarskaya I.I., Erbaktanova T.A. Efficiency of uterine artery embolization in patients with placenta accreta. Consilium Medicum. 2020; 22 (6): 25-27. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2020.6.200303

About the authors

Roman N. Marchenko

Tyumen State Medical University; Perinatal Center

Email: vrach08@rambler.ru
аспирант каф. акушерства, гинекологии и реаниматологии с курсом клинико-лабораторной диагностики

Irina I. Kukarskaya

Tyumen State Medical University; Perinatal Center

Tatyana A. Erbaktanova

Mother and Child Hospital

канд. мед. наук, глав. врач Клинического госпиталя


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