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Background. In recent years, interest in metabolic therapy with myocardial and cerebral cytoprotectors has increased. Given the results of clinical studies of levocarnitine, indications for its use are clarified and the therapeutic niche of this drug is established in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic heart failure (CHF) with cardiogenic encephalopathy. Aim. To study an efficacy and safety of a metabolic drug levocarnitine in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease complicated by chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (CHF-pEF) and cardiogenic encephalopathy. Materials and methods. In the open comparative study 120 patients with stable angina pectoris of II-III functional class (FC) associated by CHF-pEF of II FC were divided into 2 groups which were comparable by age and gender. In one group, Elkar® solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, manufactured by «ПИК-ФАРМА» (Russia) 100 mg/ml was prescribed in addition to the standard therapy. To evaluate cognitive indexes a brief scale of assessment of mental status (Mini-Mental State Examination) was used. Results. In the group treated with levocarnitine, there was a significant improvement in cognitive indexes compared with the control group, as well as a beneficial effect on the left ventricle diastolic function and exercise tolerance was identified. Conclusions. Levocarnitine is an adjunct (to the basic treatment of CHD and CHF) effective metabolic drug with cardio- and cerebroprotective effects in the treatment of patients with CHD, complicated by CHF-pEF and cardiac encephalopathy. It proved to be a safe, well-tolerated drug.

About the authors

Mariia E. Mozheiko

Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital of Wars Veterans - International Center for Elderly Problems “Zdorovoe Dolgoletie”

д-р мед. наук, зав. кардиологическим отд-нием

Ekaterina V. Bushueva

Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital of Wars Veterans - International Center for Elderly Problems “Zdorovoe Dolgoletie”

врач-кардиолог, врач функциональной диагностики

Marina V. Potanina

Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital of Wars Veterans - International Center for Elderly Problems “Zdorovoe Dolgoletie”

врач-кардиолог, врач функциональной диагностики

Evgeny A. Ryabikhin

Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital of Wars Veterans - International Center for Elderly Problems “Zdorovoe Dolgoletie”

Email: ryabievg@yandex.ru


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