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Relevance. It is urgent to search for additional opportunities in the prevention and treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Aim. To assess the effect of vitamin D on the clinical manifestations of DPN in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Materials and methods. 62 patients with T2DM and DPN were randomized to either to receive 5 000 IU (group 1, n=31, F=15) and 40 000 IU (group 2, n=31, F=16) weekly for 24 weeks. At the beginning and at the end of the study determined the levels of 25(OH)D, HbA1C, conducted a survey on the scales of NSS, NDS, NTSS-9 and VAS. The difference (А) in/between the groups according to the studied parameters was estimated. Results. Initially, the groups were comparable in levels 25(OH)D, HbA1C and the NDS, NSS, VAS and NTSS-9 scales (for all р>0.05). In the final significant reduction of symptoms of DPN occurred only in group 2: NDS А=-24.02%, NSS А=-19.63%, VAS А=-11.06%, NTSS-9 А=-24.71 (all р<0.001). In group 1: NDS А=-0.22%, NSS А=6.54%, VAS А=0.84%, NTSS-9 А=-1.03% (all р>0.05). Significant correlations were identified in group 2 between levels of 25(OH)D and: NDS (r=-0.381, р=0.034); VAS (r=0.354, р=0.046); with HbAn, (r=-0.381 р=0.034); BMI (r=-0.388, р=0.031). Conclusions. Taking vitamin D at a dose of 40 000 IU/week of colecalciferol for 24 weeks reduced the severity of neurological symptoms (NDS, NSS, VAS, NTSS-9) in patients with T2DM and DPN and contributed to the improvement of metabolic metabolism (reduction of HbA1C and BMI). Consequently, the addition of 40,000 IU/ week of colecalciferol to patients with T2DM and DPN may affect the severity of DPN.

About the authors

Anna P. Stepanova

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University


Tatiana L. Karonova

Almazov National Medical Research Centre; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф.


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