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Combination of traditional cardiovascular risk factors with specific risk factors of early development and quick progression of atherosclerosis including first of all hyperglycemia is typical in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The results of large clinical trials ADVANCE, ACCORD and VADT definitely proved the role of glycemia control in prevention of microvascular complications of DM. In some studies it was proven that parameters of glycemic variability (GV) are significant in prognosing diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and cardiovascular complications. The role of hyperglycemia in development of microvascular complication in patients with DM type 2 is not clear at present. Modern approach to DM management as one of the most important methods of micro and macroangiopathies prevention includes necessary glucose self-control. Glycemia self-control should be precise, easy and comfortable letting the patient to have effective and safe hypoglycemic therapy. Choice of glucometer is one of the main aspects of blood glucose self-control. From the point of view of the doctor the most important criteria for glucometer choice is its conformance to standards of accuracy, and from the patient’s point of view - its convenience and ease in use. Because of technological advancements the accuracy of blood glucose level test increases and the procedure of glycemia self-control becomes easier that results in increase of adherence to treatment and hypoglycemic therapy effectiveness. Achievement and sustenance of glycemia target level, prevention of micro and macroangio-pathic complications are impossible without full active participation of the patient in DM treatment and blood glucose self-control with the use of precise and convenient for the patient glucometer such as Contour Plus One.

About the authors

Galina A. Batrak

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

д-р мед. наук, доц., проф. каф. терапии и эндокринологии Ivanovo, Russia

Svetlana E. Miasoedova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. терапии и эндокринологии Ivanovo, Russia

Anna N. Brodovskaia

City Clinical Hospital №4

врач-эндокринолог Ivanovo, Russia


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