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Arterial hypertension (AH) chronotherapy includes using antihypertensive medications (AHM) in evenings that is especially rational in patients with disturbed daily rhythm of blood pressure (BP) changes (non-dipping, reverse dipping). Chronotherapy use results in increase of hypotensive therapy effect and normalization of nocturnal BP dipping as well as cardiovascular risk reduction. In large prospective studies (МАРЕС, n=3344, Hygia Chronotherapy Trial, n=19 084) intake of >1 medication in the evening resulted in significant additional decrease of all cardiovascular events by 61% and 45%, respectively. In chronotherapy evaluation for different AHM groups the best effect was seen in renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system antagonists (angiotensine transforming enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers) and calcium antagonists. Chronotherapy advantages were shown in elderly patients, patients with resistant AH, and comorbid chronic renal disease and diabetes mellitus. According to randomized clinical studies results and metaanalyses in patients with AH and chronic renal disease intake of AHM in the evening resulted in normalization of 24-hour BP profile and achievement of renoprotective effect (proteinuria decrease, glomerular filtration rate increase), as well as in decrease of relative risk of cardiovascular outcomes almost by 70%. In МАРЕС study in patients with AH and diabetes mellitus evening intake of AHM also resulted in 24-hour BP profile normalization and significant decrease of risks by almost 70%. Apart from that, in patients without history of diabetes after chronotherapy use with evening intake of AHM apart from betel BP level control, three-fold decrease in diabetes mellitus incidence was observed (relative risk 0.43). Chronotherapy use in AH and comorbid disorders is an additional method of pharmacotherapy optimization that is safe for use in clinical practice.

About the authors

Marina V. Leonova

Interregional Public Organization "Russian Association of Clinical Pharmacologists"

Email: anti23@mail.ru
чл.-кор. РАЕН, д-р мед. наук, проф., клинический фармаколог, член МОО «Ассоциация клинических фармакологов России»


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