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Today the impact of gender differences on stroke severity and fuctional recovery after stroke is still not well understood. Most often the gender differences in stroke outcomes are explained by the fact that women are usually older than men at the time of stroke onset, they have more risk factors and a higher comorbidity, a worse functional and cognitive status, and they are more often socially isolated than men. Cardioembolic stroke is more often diagnosed in women, athe-rothrombotic stroke occurs more frequent in men. Women have a higher prevalence of stroke in the carotid artery system, stroke in the vertebrobasilar system is more common in men. Compared with men, women have more severe stroke. Women’s delays in arrival to hospital, the presence of severe comorbidity lead to lower use of thrombolysis and limit appropriate secondary prevention of stroke. The prognosis, long-term outcome and functional recovery after stroke are unfavorable in women. Women more likely to develop post-stroke depression and they have a poorer quality of life after stroke than men.

About the authors

Marina Yu. Maksimova

Research Center of Neurology, Moscow

д-р мед. наук, проф., рук. 2-го неврологического отд-ния ФГБНУ НЦН Москва, Россия

Aleksandra S. Airapetova

Research Center of Neurology, Moscow

аспирант 2-го неврологического отд-ния ФГБНУ НЦН Москва, Россия


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