Functional disturbances overlap-syndrome: risk factors and therapy rationale

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Analysis of data on prevalence, risk factors and etiopathogenic factors of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) and their combinations as well as of treatment and secondary prevention approaches is presented. Isolated functional disorders prevalence should be estimated as high. Scattered literature data confirming that life quality is reduced considerably in patients with isolated functional disorders are available. Certain risk factors of FGID are studied. Data on symptomatic therapy of functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome are summarized. Prevalence of functional disorders and overlap-syndrome in Russia has not been estimated. Risk factors and etiopathogenesis of combined functional disorders require further investigation, a unified approach to the treatment is not defined, and secondary prevention is not developed

About the authors

S. S Vialov

GMS Clinic

канд. мед. наук, врач-гастроэнтеролог, гепатолог 121099, Russian Federation, Moscow, 1-i Nikoloshchepovskii per., d. 6, str. 1


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