Fixed combination of perindopril and bisoprolol in cardiovascular disease treatment

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The review presents information on fixed combination of b-adrenoblocker bisoprolol and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril. Advantages of each drug included in Prestilol, its mechanism of action, organo-protective effect and prognosis influence are reviewed in detail. Also we discuss clinical cases where use of such fixed combination is more optimal and effective.

About the authors

G. A Baryshnikova

Central State Medical Academy of the President of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. семейной медицины с курсами клинической лабораторной диагностики, психиатрии и психотерапии 121359, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Timoshenko, d. 21

S. A Chorbinskaya

Central State Medical Academy of the President of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. семейной медицины с курсами клинической лабораторной диагностики, психиатрии и психотерапии 121359, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Timoshenko, d. 21

I. I Stepanova

Central State Medical Academy of the President of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. семейной медицины с курсами клинической лабораторной диагностики, психиатрии и психотерапии 121359, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Timoshenko, d. 21

O. E Blohina

Central State Medical Academy of the President of the Russian Federation

ассистент каф. семейной медицины с курсами клинической лабораторной диагностики, психиатрии и психотерапии 121359, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Timoshenko, d. 21


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