Use of telemedicine in cochlear implantation

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Aim: To assess the potential of modern telemedicine in cochlear implantation. Patients and methods: 30 patients took part in the research on the program of patients support in remote regions (St. Petersburg-Krasnoyarsk). There were 30 teleconferences to determine the indications for CI, 18 streams of surgical operations, as well as remote fitting of the speech processors of the cochlear implants. The group consisting of 50 patients aged 0,7 to 48 years was formed for the research of intraoperative testing of a cochlear implant in our institute. Regardless of age and etiology of deafness, all patients were divided into 2 subgroups of 25 people, to compare the effectiveness of remote and local intraoperative testing. Results: The effectiveness of the stream of surgical operation and the intraoperative measurements (implant telemetry, registration of stapedial reflexes and telemetry of the auditory nerve responses) was highly appreciated, which as well as the results of remote fitting of speech processors, did not differ significantly from the "face to face" fitting. The assessment of the results of intraoperative testing demonstrated that if an audiologist have from 20 to 30 remote intraoperative sessions hi can save from 2.9 to 4.3 hours per week. Conclusion: Thus, using of modern telemedicine helps to increase the effectiveness of the high-tech medical care and raises the level of skills of specialists in the regions, leads to saving the regional budget, and in the federal centers, helps to organize the remote testing of intraoperative measurements.

About the authors

D. S Kliachko

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд. диагностики и реабилитации нарушений слуха 190013, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Bronnitskaia, d. 9

V. E Kuzovkov

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetski Krasnoyarsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, зав. отд. диагностики и реабилитации нарушений слуха; доцент каф. ЛОР-болезней с курсом 660022, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Partizana Zhelezniaka, d. 1

V. I Pudov

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. биол. наук, вед. науч. сотр. отд. диагностики и реабилитации нарушений слуха 190013, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Bronnitskaia, d. 9

YL. Leonidovna Shcherbakova

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

мл. науч. сотр. отд. диагностики и реабилитации нарушений слуха 190013, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Bronnitskaia, d. 9

I. V Koroleva

Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р психол. наук, проф., гл. науч. сотр. отд. диагностики и реабилитации нарушений слуха 190013, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Bronnitskaia, d. 9


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