Chronic inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx complicated by Herpesviruses and Papillomaviruses infections

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Despite the large number of works devoted to the defeat of the pharynx Herpesviruses and Papillomaviruses infections currently not taken into account the role of herpesvirus and human papillomavirus infection as the etiological factors contributing to recurrence of inflammatory processes in the throat, therefore it remains unclear approach to treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx (CIDO) complicated by persistent of Herpesviruses and Papillomaviruses infections. The aim of the study was to improve the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of CIDO complicated by Herpesviruses and Papillomaviruses infections. Material and methods. All patients of the main group underwent General clinical examination, bacteriological examination, PCR-diagnosis in real time, cytolo-gical examination. After 6 months, the rate of recurrence of CIDO after the use of different treatment regimens was clinically assessed. Subjective evaluation of symptoms was carried out in accordance with the criteria of quality of life on two scales: visual analog scale of subjective evaluation of sore throat and visual analog scale of complex reduction of symptoms. Conclusion. Applying strict selection criteria based on objective data, we have identified a pool of patients with complaints and laringoscopiei a picture resembling those in the classic forms of chronic tonsillitis and chronic pharyngitis, which is the main etiological factor of the inflammation was chronic VI. The subjectivity of the signs characterizing the clinical picture, the low specificity of complaints and pharyngoscopy data can allow to combine these diseases on the basis of the leading etiological factor (chronic VI) and to regard the disease as viral tonsillopharyngitis. Based on the results of the study, a therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm for managing patients with CIDO and Herpesviruses and Papillomaviruses infections was developed.

About the authors

A. I Kryukov

L.I.Sverzhevskiy Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Health of Moscow

д-р мед. наук, проф., дир. 117152, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zagorodnoe sh., d. 18a, str. 2

A. B Turovskiy

L.I.Sverzhevskiy Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Health of Moscow

р мед. наук, зам. дир. по медицинской части 117152, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zagorodnoe sh., d. 18a, str. 2

I. G Kolbanova

L.I.Sverzhevskiy Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Health of Moscow

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд. патологии верхних дыхательных путей и ринофациальной эстетической хирургии 117152, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zagorodnoe sh., d. 18a, str. 2

Yu. S Kudryavtseva

L.I.Sverzhevskiy Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Health of Moscow

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд. патологии верхних дыхательных путей и ринофациальной эстетической хирургии, зав. отд-нием по оказанию платных медицинских услуг 117152, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zagorodnoe sh., d. 18a, str. 2

I. A Popova

L.I.Sverzhevskiy Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Health of Moscow

мл. науч. сотр. отд. патологии верхних дыхательных путей и ринофациальной эстетической хирургии 117152, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zagorodnoe sh., d. 18a, str. 2


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