Experience of the usage of Tonsilgon® N in the complex treatment of chronic tonsillitis with irrigations of palatine tonsils in adults

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A prospective, open-label, randomized comparative clinical trial of patients aged 18 to 46 years, who had chronic tonsillitis of simple and toxic allergic forms in remission phase, was performed. Objectives. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic tonsillitis by irrigation of palatine tonsils with antiseptic solution combined with herbal medicinal product (HMP) Tonsilgon® N intake and without it and to evaluate the prophylactic effect of HMP in the period after the course of irrigation. Patients and methods. All subjects were divided into two treatment arms: first treatment arm was treated with irrigation of palatine tonsils combined with Tonsilgon® N intake and second treatment arm was treated with irrigation of palatine tonsils only. Irrigations of palatine tonsils were performed by special ultrasound vacuum ENT-equipment "Tonzillor". Results. In the main group the positive dynamics was marked on 4±1 day of treatment, throat inflammation was fully resolved by 7±1 day of treatment and during following 60 days after end of treatment there were no relapses. Results of bacteriological analysis showed decrease of microbial contamination rate of palatine tonsils mucosa and reduction of subjects with pathogen or opportunistic bacterial strains. Conclusion. Herbal medicinal product Tonsilgon® N has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antibacterial effects and can be successfully used in the complex treatment of chronic tonsillitis of simple and toxic-allergic form stage I.

About the authors

V. S Piskunov

Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: lorksmu@rambler.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. оториноларингологии 305041, Russian Federation, Kursk, ul. Karla Marksa, d. 3

N. A Nikitin

Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. оториноларингологии 305041, Russian Federation, Kursk, ul. Karla Marksa, d. 3


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