Effectiveness of levofloxacin (Eleflox) use in combined therapy for patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis

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Objective - to evaluate clinical effectiveness of step-down and peroral therapy with levofloxacin in combined therapy for patients with bacterial prostatitis and comorbid gastrointestinal pathology. Study design - a simple open comparative retrospective non-randomized study. Materials and methods. The study included 116 patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis who attended “Andromed” clinic in the period fr om 2014 to 2017 years. For quantitative symptoms evaluation in assessment and for treatment effectiveness evaluation a questionnaire “Chronic prostatitis symptoms index” developed by National Institute of Health, USA was used. Safety was assessed on the basis of fixed adverse events. All patients received levofloxacin for 28 days: patients in step-down therapy group received levofloxacin 500 mg/d intravenously for 10-12 days with subsequent transition to peroral administration of 500 mg/d, Another group received levofloxacin 500 mg/d in peroral therapy for 28 days. Patients in both groups received adjunctive therapy and physiotherapy in accordance with existing guidelines. All study participants were examined a month after antibiotic therapy was finished. Results. According to clinical examination results no significant differences between two groups were found. Levofloxacin course resulted in pathogen eradication in 82% patients in step-down therapy group and in 81% patients in peroral therapy group wh ere patients received levofloxacin for 28 days. In none of the cases significant adverse events were observed in step-down and peroral therapy with levofloxacin. Conclusion. Levofloxacin is effective in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis. It is reasonable to use step-down therapy in patients with comorbid gastrointestinal pathology.

About the authors

E. S Dendeberov

Family Medicine Clinic "Andromed"

Email: andromed03@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф. 117449, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Vinokurova, d. 2


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