Anti-inflammatory therapy in atherosclerosis - is it a new promising trend?

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Elevated level of inflammatory markers in blood is an independent prognostic factor for cardiovascular events in patients with stable or asymptomatic IHD. Local inflammation activation in atheromatous plaque results in fibrous capsule destruction and risk of its rupture with arterial thrombosis formation. Viruses and bacteriophages can be inductors for inflammatory response. Synergistic action of several pathogens increases risk of inflammatory process development in vessel wall that is reflected in “infection burden” conception. Immunoinflammatory rheumatic disorders are characterized by high risk of cardiovascular events development. Chronic inflammation as a core aspect of atherosclerosis pathogenesis can be explained not only by infectious and immune, but also by metabolic factors. Macrophage inflammasomes activation induced with cholesterol crystals is an important link between cholesterol metabolism and atheromatous plaque inflammation. Reduction of cardiovascular events risk on the background of anti-inflammatory therapy confirms the important pathogenic role of inflammation. It is also supported by CANTOS trial results acquired in 2017: secondary cardiovascular events prophylaxis with human monoclonal antibodies to interleukin 1β (canakinumab) in patients with stable IHD in whom an increase of hsCRP (more than 2 mg/l) was found resulted in significant cardiovascular risk reduction irrespective of sex, smoking and serum lipid level.

About the authors

A. A Kirichenko

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. терапии №2 125995, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Barrikadnaia, d. 2/1


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