To problem early intraabdominal complications in gastric surgery

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The organized analysis of the treatment 122 patients, handled on belly. All sick were executed operation on belly: gastrectomy, sabtotal resection of the belly, classical and economical resection of the belly, SPV, suturing perforative of the canker on Opel-Polikarpov. The primary emergency operations on belly are executed beside 55 (45.1%) sick. The evidences of the form were complicated to emergency operation to peptic ulcer of the belly and duodenum: bleedings, perforation, but in the same way disintegrating tumours of the belly, peritonitis. The planned operations on belly are executed beside 67 (54.9%) patient. The evidences to this operation were sub- and decompensate stenosis ulcerous and cancerous pathology, as well as the other pathology of the belly. At early postoperative period beside 18 (14.8%) patient developed the complications, required repeated operative interference. The diagnostics early postoperative intraabdominal complications carried the complex nature. The main method of the treatment of the postoperative peritonitis was shown relaporotomy. The repeated operations are executed in current two hours since moment of the diagnostics of the complication. The evidence to execution relaporotomy is quiping pathology to abdominal cavity, developed after operation on belly. The reason intraabdominal complications in most cases are a tactical mistakes and technical inaccuracy, допущенные in step of primary operative interference. The preventive maintenance of the development intraabdominal complications must be realized in step of primary interference and conduct execution of the early postoperative period, including optimum choice of the way and volume to operations; the careful auditing, sanation and drainage abdominal cavity.

About the authors

A. V Kostyrnoi

S.I.Georgievsky Medical Academy of the V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

д-р мед. наук, проф.. зав. каф. каф. хирургии №1 МА им. С.И.Георгиевского 295006, Russian Federation, Simferopol, b-r Lenina, d. 5/7

A. V Kosenko

S.I.Georgievsky Medical Academy of the V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. хирургии №1 МА им. С.И.Георгиевского 295006, Russian Federation, Simferopol, b-r Lenina, d. 5/7

I. V Kaminsky

S.I.Georgievsky Medical Academy of the V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. хирургии №1 МА им. С.И.Георгиевского 295006, Russian Federation, Simferopol, b-r Lenina, d. 5/7


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