The experience of the combined application of dynamic electroneurostimulation and acupuncture in acute period of ischemic stroke

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In order to study the effectiveness of combined acupuncture methods, the examination and the early rehabilitation course for 70 patients with acute ischemic stroke, divided by random sampling into 3 groups, were held. In the main group (30 people), the basic treatment complex was optimized by the combined use of dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) and acupuncture. Monitoring of the status of two comparison groups (20 people each), corresponding to themain group by sex, age and severity of neurologic symptoms was conducted simultaneously. In the first comparison group, basic therapy was supplemented with DENS, in the second - with acupuncture. Assessment of the severity of neurological deficit was carried out on the scale NIHSS, to assess the patient's activities of daily live after a stroke, Barthel ADL index was used. Monitoring was carried out in the 1st and 15th day from the beginning of treatment. Positive dynamics was observed in all groups, however, in the main group at the end of the course of treatment, significantly higher scores (p<0.01) on all scales were obtained, compared with the comparison groups. In the main group (where patients received DENS therapy combined with acupuncture), on the 15th day from the beginning of treatment, a decrease of neurological deficit on the NIHSS scale was 5.2 points, Barthel Index increased for 30 points. Thus, the combination of two highly effective techniques (DENS and acupuncture) in one procedure causesa more pronounced recovery of lost functions among patients who had cerebral ischemic stroke and, therefore, more rapid adaptation to everyday life.

About the authors

E. E Molchanova

Amur State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

доц. каф. факультетской и поликлинической терапии ФГБОУ ВО Амурская ГМА 675000, Russian Federation, Blagoveshchensk, ul. Gor'kogo, d. 95


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