Serum neuron-specific enolase and S-100 protein levels in children with some forms of symptomatic epilepsy as reflection of disregulative pathology of central nervous system

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Forming of pathological epileptic brain system accompanied by specific failure of cellular architechtonic, damages of membrane's excitability and cascade of neurochemical changes. Neuron-specific proteins perform a lot of integrative functions at the same time. Also they are the markers of structural damage. The aim of this investigation was searching of laboratory parameters which reproduce the grade of activity of pathologic process in central nervous system on different stages of epileptic syndrome. Materials and methods. There were examined 18 children 8 months to 11 years old. There were analyzed 44 species of serum for concentrations of NSE and S100 protein. Laboratory tests were made on stage of active course of epileptic syndrome, then on the stage of reduction of seizures and partial remission, and on stage of persistent remission. The investigation includes young patients with different types of symptomatic epilepsy. The ethiologic factors of epilepsy were perinatal hypoxia and ischemia, inborn malformations of brain, genetic syndroms. The patients were classified in 3 groups depending on stages of epileptic syndrome. Concentrations of serum NSE and S100 protein were analyzed in these groups. Conclusions. The results of measurements and its correlations were compared in each group of patients. The importance of complex assessment of NSE and S100 for children with epilepsy was identified. Laboratory data enable to characterize the stages of epileptic syndrome from the point of activity of pathologic process caused by disfunction of haemato-encephalic barrier among children with symptomatic epilepsy. Accounting the activity of pathologic (disregulative) process the improvement of therapeutic strategy becomes possible.

About the authors

K. A Pugolovkin

Russian Rehabilitation Center “Childhood”

врач-невролог, зав. психоневрологическим отд-нием 142031, Russian Federation, Moscow region, pos. sanatoriia “Gorki Leninskie”

E. A Dombrovskaya

Russian Rehabilitation Center “Childhood”

рач-невролог психоневрологического отд-ния 142031, Russian Federation, Moscow region, pos. sanatoriia “Gorki Leninskie”


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