The use of the method of robotic kinesitherapy in patients with sequelae of stroke

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Recovering gait skills is one of the most important tasks of rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. In recent years robotic devices have been used extensively in physical rehabilitation for the gait recovery. The article presents the results of the study of efficiency of using robotic kinesiotherapy in complex rehabilitation of patients after stroke. There were organized medical examinations of 50 patients, including 50 in the main group with the use of the robotic complex ‘Locomat’ and 42 patient in control group with the use of conventional physical therapy. As a result, there are statistical differences in regard to the indices of mobility, motor skills and sensitivity in paretic limb, strength and muscle tone in paretic limbs, as well as the overall improvement of daily activity. It has been determined that the use of robotic devices has positive impact in rehabilitation of post-stroke patients.

About the authors

V. A Bronnikov

Academician E.A.Wagner Perm State University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Perm Regional Complex Rehabilitation Centre

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. физической культуры и здоровья с курсами медико-социальной и физической реабилитации ФПК и ППС ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ им. академика Е.А.Вагнера», дир. КГАУ «Центр комплексной реабилитации инвалидов», врач-невролог, гл. внештатный специалист по реабилитации Минздрава Пермского края 614990, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Petropavlovskaia, d. 26; 614094, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Sviazistov, d. 11a

V. B Smychek

Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Medical Expertise and Rehabilitation

д-р мед наук, дир. ГУ «РНПЦ медицинской экспертизы и реабилитации» 223027, Republic of Belarus, Minskaia obl., Minskii r-n, pos. Gorodishche

Yu. A Mavlikaeva

Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise Krai in Perm

д-р мед. наук, врач по МСЭ, нач. организационно-методического отд. ФКУ ГБ МСЭ по Пермскому краю 614010, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Komsomol'skii pr-t, d. 77

Yu. I Kravtzov

Academician E.A.Wagner Perm State University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

чл.-кор. РАЕ, д-р мед. наук, проф. ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ им. академика Е.А.Вагнера», засл. деят. науки РФ 614990, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Petropavlovskaia, d. 26

K. A Sklyannaya

Academician E.A.Wagner Perm State University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Perm Regional Complex Rehabilitation Centre

аспирант каф. физической культуры и здоровья с курсом медико-социальной и физической реабилитации ФПК и ППС ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ им. академика Е.А.Вагнера», врач-невролог КГАУ «Центр комплексной реабилитации инвалидов» 614990, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Petropavlovskaia, d. 26; 614094, Russian Federation, Perm, ul. Sviazistov, d. 11a


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