The value of dietary supplements in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

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The review presents data on the role of biologically active food additives (BAA) in non-pharmacological prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is shown that poor nutrition is a significant risk factor (RF) contrbuting to CVD. Optimization of the diet by incorporating it supplements should be considered as one of the directions of prevention of these diseases. The importance of dietary supplement sources of macronutrients (such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 family, phospholipids, squalene, phytosterols, dietary fibers) in the correction of risk factors of CVD. Modern data on the recommended level of dietary intake of micronutrients - vitamins, macro - and trace elements that make up the vitamin-mineral complexes. From the standpoint of the theory of oxidative stress, chronic inflammation of the expediency of inclusion in the diet of people with cardiovascular RF supplements containing antioxidant ingredients direction and lipotropic action, sources of which are vitamin-like substances and minor bioactive components of food. It is concluded that the inclusion of dietary supplements containing cardioprotective components in the power of people with CVD risk factors will have a preventive effect without increasing the energy value of the diet.

About the authors

A. V Pogozheva

Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Biotechnology

д-р мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр. лаб. эпидемиологии питания и генодиагностики алиментарно-зависимых заболеваний ФГБУН ФИЦ питания и биотехнологии 109240, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ustinskii pr., d. 2/14


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