The efficacy of αa-lipoic acid in diabetic polyneuropathy

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Diabetic polyneuropathy (DN) is a serious complication of diabetes. The aim of this review is to assess the efficacy and safety of α-lipoic acid (ALA, thioctic acid) in treatment of DN. ALA is an effective and safe treatment of DN, associated with strong and rapid antinociceptive action with delayed pathogenetic effects. In clinical practice, ALA can be used as a treatment of choice in patients with semeiotic DN associated with light and moderate sensorial deficit, as well as in case of combination of DN and the autonomic nervous system disorders.

About the authors

V. N Khramilin

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. эндокринологии и диабетологии ФДПО ГБОУ ВПО РНИМУ им.Н.И.Пирогова 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1

V. A Andreeva

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

аспирант каф. эндокринологии и диабетологии ФДПО ГБОУ ВПО РНИМУ им.Н.И.Пирогова 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1


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